I want to dwell on the existence of this cultural layer, because it is disappearing

Keywords: productivity tips and apps

Telemarketers, of course, were the original people who took advantage of the telephone culture’s drive to pick up the phone. But people cost money, even my dumb teenage self calling up plant managers in Alabama trying to sell them software to manage their material-data safety sheets. People get bored with their crappy, repetitive jobs. People quit.


The more comfortable that [thing] becomes, the harder it is to break out of it

Keywords: Metafrizzics , Baltimore Center Stage , Content Creator , Midlife Crisis , Public Theater , self-improvement , Wittenberg

The longer I spend writing content, the harder it is to imagine what life would be like without it, even though I’m finding I spend more and more of my day trying to picture such a life.


A lot of what I’m working on is retraining habits I picked up over time and building new ones

Keywords: self-care , growth , self-compassion , therapy

What I’ve shared are the biggest relatable lessons but there are many other things I’m learning about myself. If you’re interested in pursuing therapy, I hope you move forward with it. Really consider who you would want to work with, how much it will cost and is it within your budget, and your availability to attend regular sessions.


There is a fine line between habit and addiction

Keywords: blog found in the forest , addiction , appalachian trail , divorce , habits , hiking , lgf , sugarloaf mountain

My affinity with ascending mountains has likely become an addiction, but a healthy one. I want to do it more, faster, higher and with my challenge. I have hiked Sugarloaf before, but didn’t make it very high up because I was with my kids and there was still snow on the ground.


These are the things that I want to do consistently every day

Keywords: life , journaling , meditation , routine

I have struggled to get into a routine, and this has been an issue especially when it comes to productivity. Morning routines to get yourself into the right mindset during the day is so important… especially if you have ADHD (like me) and your mind kind of is all over the place. Even if you don’t have a set schedule, I find that having a routine really helps get you in the mood to do what you need to do.
