My goal for this space is to develop an audience

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Who is it that wants to read my book? Anybody? Once I get around to pitching it for publishers, however that works, they will want to know that more people than just my mother will want to read it. I have some grand ideas which hopefully will draw in readers. I am seriously thinking about creating a Substack. All the cool kids are doing it. At first, I had an idea to create a devotional which now seems pedantic and hard and not much fun. Another idea I have, which will require more time to implement, is to offer serial stories. It worked for Charles Dickens, right?

I can write whatever I want, whenever I want

Keywords: {0}

Some days, I have a whole write up in my mind that I want to put somewhere, but I’m too lazy to open my journal. I hope that the words in my mind that keep floating around get to put in clear sentences that won’t make sense to anyone but me. So, yeah, here I am to reclaim my own space. Guess this is no more a travel blog as it was intended to be? Or maybe I will share some travel stories if I start being active.

I have things to share, things I want to delve into, things I am curious about

Keywords: dansmoncrane , patreon

I want Dans Mon Crane to be all about my voice. What does that look like? It’s a space where lots of my [interests] meet and then expand into other directions. It’s a space where my archaeological background comes into play, where ritual and art witchery is centered, where Shadow Work and being brave is encouraged, where one month we can talk about vampires both from a fictional perspective and a scientific one and the next month talk about my favorite armour in Skyrim. And the tarot – there will always be the tarot.

The more I grow with my anxiety, the more I want to experience on my own

Keywords: Blog Posts , anxiety , independence , mental health , social anxiety

I have always relied on my parents for everything, and they have always been able to provide it, which I will forever be grateful, but there’s just days where I don’t really feel like interacting with anyone I live with, and not because I’m in a mood or anything, it’s just the energy I put into an interaction, is energy I’d rather spend on something else. I guess this is why I’m always out with friends, and if I’m not, I try to leave the house at least once, just to get some space.

Listening to what I want to do, knowing that I have it all within me, and I can work to be at one with the highs and lows of living

Keywords: Wandering Wordsmith , no editing , poem , poetry , stream of consciousness

I wake up anxious, angry, and on edge, and the people in my house don’t help, since their mannerisms make me feel isolated in my own home, like I am never invited to anything, and I don’t have enough money, they are making more plans than me, taking advantage of life more easily, ready to dive in with a full night’s rest, and yet I am sleep deprived and on edge, taking in the noise outside of my bedroom, not feeling as if I have space to call my own, unable to sleep in or make plans to be solitary, since the activity in my house is audible, and I wonder if the same problems will continue when I live on my own […]

Setting boundaries for yourself and in relationships really does offer us the space to accept our lives as free from worry and chaos

Keywords: growth , habits , personal , growth , new year , personal

There are nine practices I want to keep track of for this first half of the month and I’ve split this up into 3 categories: selfconnection and health.

To continue: On resolutions, accountability & getting to know oneself – Likhātera (

Embracing the fact that it’s reallybloodyokay to have feelings and wants and needs and to be big and bold about them

Keywords: {0}

Maybe I need a safe space for that to happen. And by safe space, I probably mean a safe relationship. Before you start, I really don’t subscribe to the idea that it’s ‘pathetic’ to want a relationship – they’re what life is all about – so I will continue to aspire to being in a healthy, committed, loving relationship. And not to fix me necessarily, but to allow me that room and safety net to be more. To be me.