I find it super helpful to bounce idea off of others, but refining my decision making skills is something I want to achieve

Keywords: Bali , Travelling , 2022 , Adventure , anxiety , beach , decisions , female traveller , friends , holiday , indonesia , journey , solo travel , vietnam , young adult

Being certain of the choices that I make isn’t something that comes particularly naturally to me and I tend to go with what others are doing, putting myself second a lot of the time in my life. Travelling solo is something that really pushes you to address this and was once [one] of the reasons I wanted to travel, and the trust in myself has definitely grown much stronger over the last few months.


I know what I want for myself in the future

Keywords: Japan , school , college , exchange program , exchange student , Filipino , Filipino exchange student , Philippines , study abroad , Tokyo , undergraduate , university

The greatest thing about my study abroad experience was the freedom and independence that I had. Although it meant doing the groceries and cleaning the apartment myself, I loved being able to make decisions for myself. I had never felt so free and happy.


I told you we don’t want to put a label on it, my stupid brain decided to want to put a label on it in that day

Keywords: 1000islands , Marriage , Niagara , Studentlife

I went to Niagara, I went to Niagara. I’ve seen that holy freaking falls at night! Not in a day light. It was magical fellas. That lighting, that sound of water, feeling totally free. I wasn’t thinking that I would go on touristic travels. Because I’ve prepared myself to work, study and work.


I have never been able to cope with the fact that I will never get to explore every single one of my interests to their fullest in my life

Keywords: {0}

On the bright side, though, I have been lucky enough to try out lots of different subjects, disciplines, activities that I truly enjoy; I think it’s far better to have too many options to choose from than to have none at all.
