They actually listened to me and paid attention, and they said thank you

Keywords: What’s on my mind

Care and feeding? Just remember we are people too, we work to pay our bills, just like you do, so yeah, we do deserve to be paid. And, like you, we don’t appreciate being put down, talked down to or even berated. Ninety nine percent of the time, agents don’t deserve that. Yep, there are some bad ones out there, and they’re the ones who get us all downgraded in peoples’ minds. Most of us, the vast majority, actually want to serve you well.

I want my client to have the best experience with me, but I know that their negative remarks are not down to the quality of work I provided them with

Keywords: freelancing , health

I will always try to accommodate and act upon critique, if possible, but sometimes, believe me, it just isn’t. There are always going to be those clients who are difficult for the sake of being difficult, although, thankfully, they’re pretty rare. I’ve worked with perhaps 350 different clients, and maybe 10 of these I’d class as ‘difficult’. Funnily enough, you get more difficult clients when you first start out and when your prices are low, take from that what you will. As with anything, the more you do it, the more your confidence grows. As you gain feedback from your clients and see the impact your work has had on them and their business, you will see your worth first hand.

Knowing your value and respecting your boundaries is knowing to say no to the things that will not add value to your life and not respecting your boundaries

Keywords: Life Ramblings , aging , career , creative writing , experience , growing up , growth , interest , job , life , passion , writing

So I’m glad in a way that while it’s quite a hard decision to make because I feel I’m letting go of another opportunity that could have been, it’s also a lesson and a reminder that while there are opportunities everywhere, not every opportunity is right for me.

When the rest of my life was falling apart, when I was lonely and afraid, depressed and self-destructive, I had dinner

Keywords: personal growth and spirituality , abraham maslow , creativity , psychology , self-development

A different way of looking at “the used life,” perhaps. As a means of using our capacities to create a firm foundation. As a way of coping with stress, overwhelm, and crisis. We’ve all got to have something—some series of behaviors, rituals, activities, skills—that make life worth living when it doesn’t feel that way. As for me, mine are rooted in the stuff of daily life. I have discovered that, no matter where I am, as long as I am making use of the present—by being creative, by using my body, by engaging my senses to the fullest and fulfilling the single most important responsibility I have to myself—to be alive— the miraculous is always in my backyard. It’s in my neighbors, my friends and loved ones. It’s in the birds and the butterflies. And, of course, it’s always in my kitchen. It’s dinner, friends. It’s dinner.

Do not let others scare you out of something that you love doing and that I know you are good at

Keywords: About Me , Teaching

I became a teacher because I love to share my joy and love of history with people. I also became a teacher because I want to help others, especially children. I want them to know that they are loved and they are valued. I may not be able to save and reach every child, but I will try my hardest.