I can’t tell how I am viewed or regarded as a person — Only how I want to be regarded

Keywords: existentialism , intp , personality , relationships , self-image

How I want to be as a person, even if it’s not always possible for me to reach those goals in one sitting or by any preconceived logic. It takes time and endurance and patience – with the small possibility of it never happening roaming in the back of my mind.


Someone said something because they wanted to

Keywords: {0}

We’re all humans and we react in different ways so the least we can do is let go of what was said and accept who we are for what we are. To solve the judging problem, community discussions are needed but the first step and the most difficult one is acceptance — it’s accepting the fact that there is a fear. Only if you accept the fear, can you conquer this fear.


When I have the choice of a hundred other words with which I could express myself, why would I want to use words that sound bombastic but mean anything but what I am trying to express??

Keywords: {0}

The Oxford English dictionary is an amazing compilation of words, words and more words! New words have been accepted and made their debut into this ‘word bible’ of a book ever so often ! A word-lovers delight, a writers euphoria, a teachers fallback, it is a magical , mystical mumbo-jumbo of utterances made up of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections !!


I want to share more of my personal hobbies that include makeup artistry and photography

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Before, I have felt too afraid to be judged but now I am coming to a point that I will embrace my flaws and allow room for judgement so that I may improve in my work. All in all, I truly believe the strongest asset in having a positive digital footprint and professional personal brand is actually being a genuinely good person in real life. Right now, I’m far from being well known in the digital world but my family, friends, co-workers, acquaintances, etc. all know the kind of person I truly am. I’ve always been known to be a down-to-earth, genuine, and kind person to every person I surround myself with which has been a strong asset for me in the digital world.


I want to show people that I can do that

Keywords: {0}

I don’t know why they laugh at the course I take, they think I can’t, that I can’t finish. But those are not what I have in mind, I just ignore them so that they do not tell me that I will prove to them that I can, that they can not underestimate me. I don’t know why they are like that to me, I am not doing anything wrong to them because I do not go out of the house because I do not want them to say anything to me again.
