I want to dwell on the existence of this cultural layer, because it is disappearing

Keywords: productivity tips and apps

Telemarketers, of course, were the original people who took advantage of the telephone culture’s drive to pick up the phone. But people cost money, even my dumb teenage self calling up plant managers in Alabama trying to sell them software to manage their material-data safety sheets. People get bored with their crappy, repetitive jobs. People quit.


I want to make a YouTube series about school vlogs because it is a significant turning point in my life and I want to be a YouTuber

Keywords: bcm114

Based on my research on my friends in Taiwan, I decided to create a YouTube channel due to they enjoy watching people studying abroad in different countries. I thought this would be useful for Taiwanese students because they can understand and compare the differences between themselves and international students. I decided I will develop this project by creating a YouTube channel and upload some vlogs also combine some culture comparison.


I want to entice the locals of Sydney to look around their area and appreciate the hidden culture of the inner city suburbs that tourists tend to overlook

Keywords: {0}

in between my studying i love to go out and with no car or license that means a lot of walking around to use public transport. in my walks along the streets of the Sydney CBD i have noticed a lot of Sydney characteristics that no one talks about or shares with the world. So as a way to allow myself to get to know my new city more and also to begin sharing the artistic side of the Sydney street i began taking photos on my daily trips.


I want to have content that focuses on negotiating two cultural mind-sets — learning more about the Swedish culture while also being honest with myself about where I come from culturally as an American

Keywords: {0}

The area that I feel I have the most to offer content-wise is living multiculturally. I live with my partner in Stockholm, Sweden for part of the year, and in the PNW for the other part (with travels to other areas in between).


I realized that I could either continue on the path that the world wrote for me or start my own

Keywords: {0}

My first thought was that I want out. I didn’t want to be part of the society and culture anymore. I wanted to make my own decisions, fend for myself, and survive on my own the best I could. I didn’t get very far because I realized that I didn’t even know how to get food unless it came from the grocery store. This is when I started to connect all the dots. I couldn’t get food unless I had money. I couldn’t get money unless I had a job. I ended up right back where I was in the first place. I poor college graduate working a low wage job just to scrape by.
