I stand before this blog holding the budding ideas I want to undertake, and with enough impostor syndrome and inertia that I don’t know how to cure

Keywords: Reflecting On Water , literary doubts , working week , Writing

Oftentimes I am paralysed by the ways in which we carry on, more often than not defeating, and writing around it becomes difficult for me. (Although I have a lot to say.) I’m feeling doubtful that literature will be able to do justice to the narrative of our humanity right now, both fractured and flawless, but there is nothing else I know how to do well with my time.


My goal for this space is to develop an audience

Keywords: {0}

Who is it that wants to read my book? Anybody? Once I get around to pitching it for publishers, however that works, they will want to know that more people than just my mother will want to read it. I have some grand ideas which hopefully will draw in readers. I am seriously thinking about creating a Substack. All the cool kids are doing it. At first, I had an idea to create a devotional which now seems pedantic and hard and not much fun. Another idea I have, which will require more time to implement, is to offer serial stories. It worked for Charles Dickens, right?


I want to write about love in a crappy situation

Keywords: The Post Blog World

The reason I write this, though, is because I’ve always felt a strong, inescapable calling to live here and to do so purposefully. To live with meaning behind my existence, a reason behind my physical presence in the community. I’m not going to pretend to be a community leader, to be an active volunteer, or to be a community organizer. I’m nothing more than a person who gives a crap, a Mississippian who actually cares. I’m nothing more than somebody who shows up to concerts, who frequents restaurants, who spends his free time at the local watering holes chatting with others, who invites friends from out of town and drives them around to show off his beautiful, broken city.


I think there are respectful and productive ways to have these conversations

Keywords: {0}

I think what I owe you as readers of this blog are honesty and respect. That is truly what it boils down to. I am a book reviewer and I talk about my opinions on books to better inform your choices as someone who comes to me for my thoughts and recommendations. That is why I owe you my honesty- it is why you are here. I want to feel good about my recommendations and stand by my reviews, and I do. I also want you to trust me, if when we have different opinions.


I’m not necessarily the same person that I was when I was 18 and I want my content and image to reflect that

Keywords: {0}

University felt a bit like a transitional period from teenager to adult and now I feel like I have nothing to hide behind now even though I still don’t want to be an adult. I was having so many existential crises over where I should be living and working whilst actively trying to avoid making a decision about any long-term plans. I contemplated moving to Glasgow, switching jobs, taking online courses and started looking at masters programmes because without the student lifestyle, I lost my way quite a bit. However, it’s evident from talking to me or reading my dissertation, that Edinburgh is a huge part of my identity and giving it up by moving away wasn’t going to be the cure that I thought it would be. Instead, I moved to a different part of the city, the West End, switched to a full-time role at my job and started taking myself out on dates again.


There are many things I want to try but there are also quite a few things limiting what I can do

Keywords: EDS 113 , Principles and Methods of Assessment , assessment , learning , principles of assessment

Having other people comment on your assessments and teaching approaches seems like a good way to gain new perspectives with which you can better yourself. Now I only have the internet for those things but hopefully things will start looking up and I will soon get to do the things I could not before.


image source: https://lifetakenlessseriously.wordpress.com/2020/09/22/losing-my-bearings

I wanted to make the most of my University experience, not just in my studies, but also in the friendships I had made

Keywords: {0}

This phase of my life was when I started to realise that I’d changed so much in a short period of time, it was crazy. Before University, I didn’t go out very much and I had quite a small circle of friends, I also didn’t have very much confidence and my mental health wasn’t doing great. But after just a few months at University, I really started to notice changes, I was truly happy and felt like I had found somewhere that I belonged, I didn’t feel judged and felt included within my friendship groups, allowing my confidence to shine through and help me to become the best version of myself, this was the life I had always longed for. So to any current or future students reading this, be yourself and your confidence will shine through, this can feel different and scary to begin with, but as students we need to recognise that change can be good!


Practice Self-Care

Keywords: Read , communications technology , Golden Rule , ICT , information , information and communications technology , information retrieval , information technology , knowledge , language , literacy , marketplace , natural language , search , technology

In this installment of the ongoing series about the Golden Rule, I want to talk about self-care. But before I get to that topic per se, let me note how nothing we ever do is ever done alone, in isolation, or independently of other people. Everything is always done in the context of our environment, and as everyone and everything on Earth shares this same planet as our context, we are all in this (and in everything) together.

In other words: “self” is an awkward concept (insofar as no-one could even exist outside of this shared context, habitat, or whatever you might want to call it — see also the homepage [ https://wants.blog ] for more related thoughts on this topic).

Nonetheless, if we do consider ourselves as individuals, separated and apart from one another, then we ought to (I feel, according to a “Golden Rule” type of sympathy for one another) practice self-care, simply in order not to become a burden upon one-another (and yet also in a self-serving way, for our own well-being, in what Adam Smith might have referred to as an “enlightened self-interest” kind of motivation).

Let me underscore one more time: In my opinion, this is definitely also a social behavior. Although it can be interpreted as a “pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps” behavior, I prefer to view it more realistically as a social act. Seen in this light, practicing self-care can easily be interpreted as an implicit request for help.

And this is precisely where the Golden Rule becomes fundamental. Let me split it up into (some of) its several parts:

  • practice self-care, in order not to become a burden on others
  • request help from others (who are capable of helping without being unduly burdened)
  • openly acknowledge your own gratitude for any help provided
  • show your own willingness to help others

Such sentiments are so fundamental to most friendships and similar relationships involving mutual support that it almost seems superfluous to point them out or to draw attention to them — as if there were something remarkable about regular and natural kindness that might need to be explained.

Today, however, I feel that the social cohesion we experience is becoming increasingly atomized and the social and supportive bonds we might experience on a daily basis may become ever more distant. Close relationships used to be a matter of close proximity. Increasingly, “close” is a matter of choice — we can choose to be close (or not) … with anyone. anywhere. anytime.

You may recall that I wrote about the film “Vicky, Christina, Barcelona” (2008) last week (see “Sparring for Literacy“). Today I am taking a more “personal” approach to pretty much the same topic (“communications”).

I feel we are all motivated (by the circumstances of distance) and to some extent need to make implicit wants more explicit. We increasingly need to actually say it out loud.