I am pretty stoked with what I came up with and proud

Keywords: boundaries , courage , growth , learning lessons , lifelessons , strength

I realize I wasn’t giving myself much credit at the little things I have started to implement over the years. I will be honest, I still struggle a lot with this list, especially at work, but having it down on paper (or computer), tells my mind and body that I am doing pretty well for myself. I am not as lost as I think I might be and with this start, I am only going to grow and feel more confident in my decisions and my skin and that is my ultimate goal.


I am no longer asking myself what I should do that will make my parents proud, but what I want to do that will make ME happy

Keywords: {0}

Embracing this crazy but wonderful journey and not obsessing over the future. What success looks like to me now is much healthier, much clearer, and a whole lot of who I am and who I aim to be. It could still change though, for as long as I’m growing as a person.


The job I ended up with just happens to be the one I have wanted to land in for the last 9 years and due to a retirement was already in the works for me to train in, but it was very uncertain if anyone else would bump me for it

Keywords: be extraordinary for teens , blog , development , gratitude , happiness , happy , journal , learning , life , mindvalley , reverse gap , self , soul

These were all personal areas for myself that I wanted to grow and I am so thankful that I have! When I think of looking at my ‘reverse gap,’ it is hard not to feel happy about what improvements have happened. I find I have no reason to get caught up feeling not good enough comparing to others when I just compare to my past self. Then think back 2 years, then 5 and 10. Some of these things happened that I hadn’t expected. A year ago, I didn’t know I was going to get the job I wanted. A year ago, if I thought about an exercise program, I wouldn’t have considered committing to more than 6 weeks of working out.


There are a lot of things I would like to transform about myself

Keywords: {0}

I would also like to change about my attitude in college. I am not completely sure what I want to do with my life so going to college is a proper option to discover what you want to do. However at the same time I do dislike going to college. Not that the work is hard and I do have great professors but for some reason I do feel a sense of emptiness when I walk towards my college. Likely out of boredom as I don’t really learn during their lectures. I wish there was a mind control machine I would utilize on my professors and counselors to graduate me already but life doesn’t work that way (no disrespect towards my professors and counselor). I also wish there was a time machine to change the mistakes I made of my past. There is something else I would like to change is how to be patient regarding homework. I am obsessed with finishing as soon as I can but at the same time want to be 100 percent correct. Every time I get stuck on an answer you could say I mildly panic due to my obsession with finishing.


I believe we can’t help but to want to be better human beings and do our part to make this earth a more beautiful home for all living beings

Keywords: teaching

My breath become fuller and my back became stronger and more flexible. I felt more confident in myself and I found myself wanting to be a better person, to improve on qualities such as practicing patience and forgiveness, and balancing out the various aspects of life such as work, socializing and play time, exercising, eating well, spending quality time with Rick, spending time in nature, gardening, learning, reading, sleeping. I know that maintaining balance is a constant effort; it’s the dance of life. Yoga helps me to navigate the dance gracefully.


I will hit publish before my anxious self can get in the way and put fear in me to either not post or save this as a draft

Keywords: {0}

I want to push out of my routine and create a new one. A new routine where I write and take photos in addition to working. A new me where if I don’t get my workout in but laughed and played with my family instead I am ok with that. If I want to take some photos the dishes can wait. It’s easy for me to say but harder for me to do as I struggle with OCD and anxiety. I don’t want my children to grow up OCD or anxious like me. I want to encourage my children to grow and explore things and showing them is the best example. My son loves to write and so do I. I am always encouraging him to write but never taking my own advice. So here I am writing.


I want nothing more than to be better than I was yesterday

Keywords: {0}

Once you realize everything is temporary then it’s easier to let things go. Once you trust fully in the love and light, the plan the universe and yourself have conspired for you; you understand that everything is as it should be. Today, as it should be, tomorrow, as it should be, forever, as it should be. Realize that sometimes, the only one holding you back is you. The sun comes up no matter how many lives were lost the night before, the moon still shines no matter how many scars you’ve endured. The world doesn’t stop, and neither will I.
