Someone said something because they wanted to

Keywords: {0}

We’re all humans and we react in different ways so the least we can do is let go of what was said and accept who we are for what we are. To solve the judging problem, community discussions are needed but the first step and the most difficult one is acceptance — it’s accepting the fact that there is a fear. Only if you accept the fear, can you conquer this fear.

The more I understand myself, my innate personality (and the traits and tendencies that go along with it), the more open and accepting I am about the people around me

Keywords: {0}

I consider myself a very self-aware person, and I constantly strive to be better. I also find that with this knowledge, I’m more cognizant of my comfort zone and can more easily recognize when I should step outside of it. It helps me to understand other people’s motivations and points of view, to the point where, even if someone is being really nasty to me, or is frustratingly rigid, for example, I can’t help but empathize with where they’re coming from.

I’m left wondering how close or how far a story is from what I want and need

Keywords: publishing , writing , rejection , short stories , submissions

I tend to submit my stories to magazines whose acceptance rates are 1% – 3%. I’m still trying to figure out what kind of stories the editors of those magazines prefer, so there’s much fingers-crossed submitting which results in rejections at least once a week.