I want to love myself, before I was pregnant, while I was pregnant, and now after being pregnant not only for myself but for Bug, too

Keywords: body image , first time mom , mom blog , mom bod , mommy blog , motherhood , motherhood blog , new mom , postpartum

She deserves a mom who isn’t measuring her self worth against that last roll of fat that will not budge off of her stomach (seriously, why the hell is that thing still sticking around), and who will bake (and eat) cookies with her on a cold winter’s day.


I wanna show people that if you have a good idea then all you gotta do is act it out and find a way to really construct an act

Keywords: en , body image , gender identity , lgbtq+

When I went to that show [Boylesque], there was not a single performer who was exactly who I wanted to be. They were different and that’s how I got the courage. You don’t need someone who is exactly like you, you just need to see that there’s room for everybody.


I want to become the best version of myself day by day

Keywords: weight loss

I’m just another ordinary mama keeping herself accountable.. I needed a place to document my life’s memorable moments, weight loss, foods, workouts, and inspiration without feeling like my family and friends are my only spectators. I’d rather relate/support accounts similar to mine, clap for one another, and not annoy those who don’t feel like being a part of my journey.


I am stronger than my thoughts, I am in control of my own mind

Keywords: , before , beginning , first , goal , plan , training , workout

Recently, I have been practicing that phrase to help center me in times of high anxiety and doubt. It did just that, and this time it helped me remember how badly I want to think back on this moment 8 months from now and laugh for being scared to start, how badly I want to feel comfortable 3 weeks from now when I shop for my wedding dress, and how badly I want to continue to write these blogs with an honest hand.
