I’ll definitely revisit this later and do some editing and figure out how I want to structure my posts, because my perfectionist brain is screaming at me to have some sense of structure and plot to this project, but honestly right now I am just enjoying ranting to the void about whatever comes into my very overfilled-with-useless-information brain

Keywords: chaos , fuck adulting , personal , rant , scatterbrain

I’m now most likely going to go back to trawling linkedin for translation opportunities because apparently I am not a good person if I am not productive and contributing to capitalism in some way, shape or form. Fucking adulting. What a drag.


I’m not necessarily the same person that I was when I was 18 and I want my content and image to reflect that

Keywords: {0}

University felt a bit like a transitional period from teenager to adult and now I feel like I have nothing to hide behind now even though I still don’t want to be an adult. I was having so many existential crises over where I should be living and working whilst actively trying to avoid making a decision about any long-term plans. I contemplated moving to Glasgow, switching jobs, taking online courses and started looking at masters programmes because without the student lifestyle, I lost my way quite a bit. However, it’s evident from talking to me or reading my dissertation, that Edinburgh is a huge part of my identity and giving it up by moving away wasn’t going to be the cure that I thought it would be. Instead, I moved to a different part of the city, the West End, switched to a full-time role at my job and started taking myself out on dates again.


I want to go out knowing I couldn’t have done any more

Keywords: Life in general , Adulting , Life

In the early years of my 20s, I started to learn that money doesn’t necessarily make us happy. I know, I know there’s a lot of talk about this. I mean, at the end of the day, we all need money to do our thing, right? But, what I’m trying to say here is that, I’ve realized that during the hours I’ve spent stressing about how I’m not achieving those life goals that society tells us we should’ve reached by now, I’ve missed out on living. I could’ve made so many more memories and probably been a lot happier if I chased joy instead, if I choose my version of success to be how many times I’ve laughed this week, if I counted experience in the same way I do money, or if I climbed a mountain with the same eagerness as the career ladder. There’s a whole world to discover outside of those boundaries we’ve set for ourselves!


I want to want things

Keywords: want , desire , thoughts , levi , engaged

I do not know if I have always done this or if this has just started in the last ten years or maybe less. Something has shifted as I have become an adult paying rent and living on my own. I am more worried and sleep lighter; always on alert. I used to enjoy things, now those things are fewer and further between. I have always enjoyed the activities of those around me, even if I came to be the one leading them, but I am not quite sure which activities I love and which ones I have learned to enjoy because of my social circles. I don’t really like anime, but I was an anime club president for a year and if you would like to watch one I will absolutely watch it with you (“No, you’re right. It was pretty cool.”) I enjoy going out but not as much as I like a small group on the couch chatting and playing games with changing rules. I used to write and sometimes I would paint. I used to make cosplays and try Harry Potter inspired cupcake recipes. I used to sing and laugh at work. When did I become unhappy? When did I stop wanting to be happy enough that I did the things that made me happy?
