I want to be a healthy Mom, so I can be a better Mom

Keywords: , lifestyle , body weight training , exercise , health and fitness , home fitness , home fitness plan , home workout , motivation , personal trainer , The Movement Empire

I want to be around to see my boys accomplish everything their hearts desire and changing my mind set away from looking a certain way or it even being about weight loss is helping my motivation.


I want to be invincible again

Keywords: aging , falling , hiking

I have friends who have stopped going for walks in winter, afraid of slipping on icy sidewalks. I’ve given up ice skating, and other friends have given up skiing. But how do we balance our need for exercise and getting outside with being safe? I was talking to a friend about this, and we agreed you need to find a balance: be more careful and more aware but don’t let the fear stop you from doing things you love. It’s a hard balance to find, but one that’s becoming increasingly necessary as we gingerly step into a new phase of aging.


I want to walk from now on

Keywords: {0}

I don’t think I will go to the gym anymore […] and I think I must be strict on the diet. I have forgotten to read and doodle and create Zen art. My poetry does not flow. I don’t have a bank balance-I am good doing odd jobs that come my way. I don’t have a circle of best friends (my bestie is my partner) but I do have a confidant or two. I might not be well loved by the society (my intuition tells me so) but if I am loved by God and family, that should be enough. I don’t lead a roller-coaster life full of excitement and thrills but I am happy with my stability and peace.


To get specifically into what it is that I want is a tough process

Keywords: fitness , goals , health , life , need , want , wealth

How much money is enough to help me have a good life without getting to the point where I am always concerned with money? What does a fulfilling career even mean? Does that mean I work for a non-profit? Do I open my own business? What is fulfillment. Why do I want to travel? Is it to show pictures to everyone else to show how cool I am? Or is it for my own experience.


Note: Featured image is from https://strengthandkindnesscoaching.com

I believe we can’t help but to want to be better human beings and do our part to make this earth a more beautiful home for all living beings

Keywords: teaching

My breath become fuller and my back became stronger and more flexible. I felt more confident in myself and I found myself wanting to be a better person, to improve on qualities such as practicing patience and forgiveness, and balancing out the various aspects of life such as work, socializing and play time, exercising, eating well, spending quality time with Rick, spending time in nature, gardening, learning, reading, sleeping. I know that maintaining balance is a constant effort; it’s the dance of life. Yoga helps me to navigate the dance gracefully.
