I just wanted the support so that I had a few less people telling me they told me so if I were to fail

Keywords: dreams , journalism , magazine

Make sure to have fun in this life. Even if it’s from the bathroom floor. I was laughing somewhat hysterically and nervously while I talked to her on my cell phone from my kitchen floor. This was going to be huge for me. I’d done two 3-month internships for a stipend when I was 21, but I was now 31. It felt as though I was going backward, but backward back into my dream job. My internships were my favorite jobs of all, until this. I knew I had to do it, I knew I was going to do it


I have professional goals I want to meet, and in order to do so, I need to put myself out there a bit more

Keywords: {0}

This terrifies me, as I am a private person, and have not been a real big-risk taker in my life up to this point. But I have realized I want to move forward in my life and reach some of my dreams, and make room for new ones. I don’t want to have lived my full life and have the nagging thought ‘if only I’d…’. The idea of putting something out on the internet has the feeling of a lot of permanency behind it, and there is the part of me that wonders if anything I have to say is important enough to put out there. It may not be to most, but may be meaningful to some/one. 
