I can write whatever I want, whenever I want

Keywords: {0}

Some days, I have a whole write up in my mind that I want to put somewhere, but I’m too lazy to open my journal. I hope that the words in my mind that keep floating around get to put in clear sentences that won’t make sense to anyone but me. So, yeah, here I am to reclaim my own space. Guess this is no more a travel blog as it was intended to be? Or maybe I will share some travel stories if I start being active.


I want my client to have the best experience with me, but I know that their negative remarks are not down to the quality of work I provided them with

Keywords: freelancing , health

I will always try to accommodate and act upon critique, if possible, but sometimes, believe me, it just isn’t. There are always going to be those clients who are difficult for the sake of being difficult, although, thankfully, they’re pretty rare. I’ve worked with perhaps 350 different clients, and maybe 10 of these I’d class as ‘difficult’. Funnily enough, you get more difficult clients when you first start out and when your prices are low, take from that what you will. As with anything, the more you do it, the more your confidence grows. As you gain feedback from your clients and see the impact your work has had on them and their business, you will see your worth first hand.


The key to “succeeding” in the way that I want to succeed is cutting out all that noise

Keywords: {0}

“Times when I think a mind uncluttered with others is the only condition for gentleness,” Jenny Xie writes in her poem “Solitude Study.” I have experienced that gentleness. I have known that gentleness. I also recall that it came with the sad realization that I had obtained that gentleness by making myself wholly unavailable to others, in such a way that would allow me to completely clear others and their expectations of me from my mind.


Having this clarity about what I want my own life to look like, means that I’m never down for long

Keywords: instant mood shift , mindfulness , thoughts musings , anxiety , depression , entrepreneur , life , mental health , mindfulness , success

I can quickly remind myself that those things don’t mean success to me, or happiness for that matter. And I can review my own version of success, and measure myself by how close I am to this.


I’m returning to my dream of owning a coaching business where I can help others every day

Keywords: hilary clark and www hilaryclark com 2014 2020 , abstract fiber art , art , artist , feelings coach , fiber art , joy and ease , joy and ease coach , textured fiber paintings

I’m still working out my focus. Each day, I’m gaining greater clarity around who I want to work with and how. As that solidifies, I’ll share it here with all of you. For now, I’d like to share my Big Why for owning a business and doing the work I know, deep down, I’m called to do:

I believe joy and ease are our purpose. These are our birthright, our soul right, the way we embody our spirit life during our human life. Anything we want can be realized when we finally and forever release the “hustle” to embrace, integrate, incorporate, and LIVE from a place of joy and ease.
