I’m thinking in the village and cottage I’d want a major project to work on as I would have the time

Keywords: home , prompts , choices , cottage , experiences , journaling , regrets , say yes , wins

I’m trying to live with fewer regrets so renting a cottage filled this void. Something I had never done before so try it. There is nothing to lose. Well, I had a relaxing week of reading, painting, sitting on the deck doing nothing and walking the beach. I enjoyed it. I needed it. This was not what I was expecting but hello what I needed.


I want to bring that back to politics

Keywords: help , Kennedy , life , need , Nicole Shanahan , political , politics , privilege , purpose , Robert F. Kennedy Jr. , Shanahan , want , wealth , wealthy

I became very wealthy later on in life, but my roots in Oakland taught me many things I’ve never forgotten — (one thing is) that the purpose of wealth is to help those in need … that’s what it’s for! And I want to bring back — I want to bring that back to politics too — that is the purpose of privilege.


I want to do all these things but they never seem to come true

Keywords: Life

I’m so hard on myself. Maybe that’s my biggest issue. I only point out all that I and others lack. What could be better. Instead of appreciating what is already. I love myself. I love you. I love how you are always trying to make me feel good. Taking care of my every need. Protecting me from me. Nourishing me body and soul.


To get specifically into what it is that I want is a tough process

Keywords: fitness , goals , health , life , need , want , wealth

How much money is enough to help me have a good life without getting to the point where I am always concerned with money? What does a fulfilling career even mean? Does that mean I work for a non-profit? Do I open my own business? What is fulfillment. Why do I want to travel? Is it to show pictures to everyone else to show how cool I am? Or is it for my own experience.


Note: Featured image is from https://strengthandkindnesscoaching.com

Being in a healthy mindset allows me to be reflexive without the turmoil I’d have experienced before

Keywords: Life in general , Personal Growth

For years I had disconnected myself from my own needs. I had found that ignoring them was a survival strategy, experience had taught me that I was safer that way. This wasn’t a sustainable approach. I’d become so good at hiding and ignoring my needs that I spent years going through life numb to the good experiences I should have been having. All my actions were routed in expectations and obligations. When that got too much for me I turned to food, drink and drugs to fuel actions. It was ok that I needed to spend the day in bed, it was a hangover rather than depression caused by my unhealed trauma. It’s fine that I drank before I went out, that was me being savvy with money as I wouldn’t spend so much at the club. My binge eating was tied to the days when I was suffering malnutrition from before my adoption (I don’t recall that, I think I may have made it up. I recall walking to collect water with a container on my head as part of my chores, but never hunger…) and the list of justified negative behaviour that sustained the numbing of my emotions is endless. This was never sustainable, and that’s a good thing.


In the 2nd grade, all everyone cared about was candy, LEGOs and having playdates, not realizing that you needed green pieces of paper or plastic rectangles to get what you wanted

Keywords: journey , new things , background , blogging , development , experience , introduction , minimalisms , perfect ideals , personal , self help , start

This kind of lifestyle never really died out for me until my first year in college. In my head, I still thought that to be attractive to girls, you had to have a lot of money and spoil them. I thought that in order to be academically successful, you needed the best computer, the most expensive education. My parents hammered over and over again into my brain that in order to become successful, you had to be rich. It was all about the money.
