Now it is time to share my life and to enjoy the beauty that is romantic partnership

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We don’t have the answers and we never will, but we will be okay. We have to be comfortable living in the questions because there are some questions that will never be answered. I may never reach my dream, and that makes me sad. But does that mean my life doesn’t have meaning or purpose? Of course not. We make meaning and purpose with every interaction we have with others and with our art, our poetry, our music, and our contributions to society…even through our mundane jobs and our relationships. Our purpose is whatever we make it. Our legacy is in every single way we relate to the world…through relationships with people, through conservation, through our perspectives both experienced and shared. I think I am ready to stop trying so hard to make an impact and, rather, start living, traveling, interacting, loving, and just being. I’ll never not be an intellectual; it’s who I am. I will never stop contemplating the big questions or trying to problem-solve the big issues we face, but I don’t need to constantly produce something. It is enough just to exist…to breathe…to be grateful…and to rest.

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