I wanna show people that if you have a good idea then all you gotta do is act it out and find a way to really construct an act

Keywords: en , body image , gender identity , lgbtq+

When I went to that show [Boylesque], there was not a single performer who was exactly who I wanted to be. They were different and that’s how I got the courage. You don’t need someone who is exactly like you, you just need to see that there’s room for everybody.


I sometimes find it hard to put the things I want to do in motion for myself

Keywords: newblogger , photographer , photography , starting up

I can sit and think for hours about different things I want to try but finding the motivation to get up and put them in to action is very difficult for me. It is since leaving university that I have noticed this. Not having that community to bounce ideas and have briefs to work from, it’s hard to go 3 years of that to doing it by yourself.


[Seeking wonder in a natural space that is sacred to others is a] kind of tension I want to try and resolve, even if it takes a long time, because it seems like the kind of tension that requires action, especially if I plan to keep visiting National Parks that once belonged to someone else

Keywords: travel

Some of what made the experience feel so mystical to me, I think, is the fact of walking through a space that has accommodated so many rituals and prayers. Inevitably a place like that acquires a kind of glow.
