I wanted a happily ever after moment and entering your 30s without it feels scary

Keywords: Blog, Mental Health Monday , Birthday, Flirty, Mental Health, Thirty, Thriving

I plan to continue pursuing my passion for writing. I want to grow my blog to touch lives. I want to publish a debut novel. I want to be the best mom possible for my son. I want to be open to the possibility of finding a lifelong partner.


I want to love myself, before I was pregnant, while I was pregnant, and now after being pregnant not only for myself but for Bug, too

Keywords: body image , first time mom , mom blog , mom bod , mommy blog , motherhood , motherhood blog , new mom , postpartum

She deserves a mom who isn’t measuring her self worth against that last roll of fat that will not budge off of her stomach (seriously, why the hell is that thing still sticking around), and who will bake (and eat) cookies with her on a cold winter’s day.


It’s important to me to share stories and show others why I am passionate about so many different things while encouraging individuals to do the same

Keywords: community , Family Travel , Fitness , lifestyle , mom blog , momlife , parenting

I don’t cry because of the negative memories, I cry because I WON. I win over and over again every day, and I will never stop. I cry because I supported my children and provided them a life of opportunity, love, and consistency, when I should’ve broke. I cry because I decided to move on and chase my dreams, while remaining hopeful and positive. I also cry because it was worth the pain in order to find my loving fiance’, it was worth ending up in a job that I love to wake up to and it was worth it because I have found my PASSION for life. The passion and purpose was always there, but I just had to figure out where it was inside of me :).


I’ve been struggling with being consistent and being ready to finally choose me, choose to finally go after what i want

Keywords: monday motivation , goals , new start , next chapter , purpose , self worth

i feel like damn all these years went by with my same goals every year but didn’t achieve all of that yet because real life gave so much stress, looking at all the things i didn’t have instead of looking for a change and have positive thoughts. Now that i’m a mom life hits different, more motivated than ever, the timing is now. I’ve waited too long for this, but now I choose Happiness, I choose to show my daughter that it’s never too late to go after what you truly want in life and that you can achieve everything you put your mind too. I’m so ready for The next chapter and to show the world my creative mind.


All I want, and what so many of my friends and acquaintances want, is a little understanding

Keywords: pagan mother , working mom , working mother , working mum , blogmas , mummymonday , catherine green author , spookymrsgreen , the pagan housewife , working mom , working mother or housewife , working mothers in uk , working mum , working with children

We need respect and support for the job that we do as housewife, mother, domestic slave. It takes a lot of courage to give up a regular job and rely solely on another person for your home and board. It also takes the patience of a saint to raise children and teach them decent values and morals so that they grow up to be well-adjusted members of society. These are our future carers, providers and pioneers. Why should we damage them at a young age because we are coerced into accepting thankless jobs in faceless corporations? We should not.

Am I a Working Mother, a Housewife, or Both? | SpookyMrsGreen