I’ve wanted to be a writer since I was young

Keywords: Personal , introduction

After years of working in university newspapers and literary magazines, I ended up learning how to write in an unexpected, cutthroat industry: advertising. It’s exhausting on a day-to-day basis, but when you’re surrounded by the right people, it can be really fun! And it’s always a thrill to see my ideas come to life, even if sometimes it feels like it takes forever.


I think there are respectful and productive ways to have these conversations

Keywords: {0}

I think what I owe you as readers of this blog are honesty and respect. That is truly what it boils down to. I am a book reviewer and I talk about my opinions on books to better inform your choices as someone who comes to me for my thoughts and recommendations. That is why I owe you my honesty- it is why you are here. I want to feel good about my recommendations and stand by my reviews, and I do. I also want you to trust me, if when we have different opinions.


I want to learn from what’s worked (and what hasn’t) in the past and adjust for the writer I am now

Keywords: amwriting , writer , writer advice , writer tips , writing , writing advice , writing community , writing tips

If you’ve been following this blog, you’ll know I’ve done 30-day first drafts of my last three manuscripts. I LOVE this process, but now that I have a chronic illness, I may have to adjust this a little to make sure I’m taking care of myself.


I want to say that it might still be worth it to try reading that paragraph

Keywords: non mathematical soapbox

You might say it’s because in a story, you know that the author intends to give you all the information you need to understand what’s going on, whereas this is not the case in mathematical text. My response: you can learn about the mathematical object in the same way you learn about the character in my dad’s blog. Notice that you learn things about this person in a very nonlinear way, and you’re expected to track and piece these things together while you build a reliable mental image of this person.


How many writers & bloggers apply the Golden Rule to writing & blogging?

Keywords: Social Business , Christ , Christian , Christianity , communication , communications , community , Golden Rule , Jesus , language , listen , listening , sharing , write , writing

You might want to grab a cuppa for this one, because Imma take you on a bender with a long arc and it will probably be night time before we return home!

I distinctly remember becoming aware of how this is actually a violation of Jesus’ “Golden Rule” — in other words: we ought to listen to others, much in the same way that we want others to listen to us.


Yes: I just quoted myself — which is (IMHO) perfectly OK because I manage so many blogs that now and then I simply have to do it! 😛

Well, so I see that other blog post as the introduction to my topic here today, so if you haven’t seen it, then please hop on over and check it out (it opens a new page, so it’s absolutely no problem at all to get back here 😉 ). And it’s not terribly long, either.

My hunch (also known as a hypothesis) is that few bloggers read other blogs and probably fewer interact in a significant way. Mind you: I said bloggers — let alone the general population (who hardly seem aware that the internet exists beyond the realm of Google & Amazon & Netflix (wait a second — is that the INTERNET, too?). Marketers will trample all over anything that sounds even remotely social, but marketing is different than what regular folks do — isn’t it?

Still — none of these folks, whether regular or normal or abnormal or whatever, do much more than dip their toes in. Balls deep? Are you kidding me?

Before I make a short story long, let me cut to the chase. During the 4 weeks of the advent season leading up to Christmas, I plan to entertain different aspects of this question (“How many writers and bloggers apply the Golden Rule to writing and blogging?”) … and maybe I will even manage to arrive at some sort of conclusion before the year ends (hopefully we will not all be lost forever, right?).

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I want to see if I can turn a story I’ve had a version of for ten years into a neat little book on store shelves

Keywords: author , history , manuscript , method , new-year , publishing , retrospective , revisions

I’m coming up on nearly a year since I seriously set out to see if I could make something out of writing. It hasn’t been smooth sailing all the way, and I’d be lying to say 2021 went like I had hoped … but it’s been enriching all the same, and I do have a modest sense of optimism going into 2022.
