I am broken. I am tired of pain. I am tired of feeling so hurt. I want to be whole again.

Keywords: broken , heart , hurt , love , pain

I want to be a masterpiece. I want to be loved by someone who thinks all of time stands still when looking into my eyes. I’m tired of pouring what little I have left into people who don’t appreciate me. I am ready to be full of life and joy and laughter. I want peace. I want to see the light. I want to be everything to someone. I want to be special. I want someone to beg for me to stay instead of asking me to leave. I want someone to fight for me and cherish me. I want someone to treasure me and value me. To truly love and want me. I want to be whole and I don’t want to do it alone.


CONSIDER: What response do I want from this audience?

Keywords: communication , leadership , colleagues , confidence , conversation , culture , expectations , growth , influence , people , performance , results , value

What do you want a listener or reader to do with what you’ve said? Tell them. People are more likely to act when you’ve made the right action obvious.


Knowing your value and respecting your boundaries is knowing to say no to the things that will not add value to your life and not respecting your boundaries

Keywords: Life Ramblings , aging , career , creative writing , experience , growing up , growth , interest , job , life , passion , writing

So I’m glad in a way that while it’s quite a hard decision to make because I feel I’m letting go of another opportunity that could have been, it’s also a lesson and a reminder that while there are opportunities everywhere, not every opportunity is right for me.


Anything I did value would often get shelved for the people I wanted to value me

Keywords: {0}

I would supress, shelve and ignore what I valued until one day I woke up and didn’t even recognise myself anymore. Yet when I became single, I found that I spent an almost unhealthy amount of time alone, this was however a necessary evil because in that time I picked apart everything I had ever known, I studied scripture, watched sermons, read self-help book after self-help book. I analysed, I tested and reanalysed. Eventually, started hanging around different people, I observed, took notes and after a lot of trial and even more error, I started to understand what I valued, more importantly I started to understand why I valued those things.


Do not let others scare you out of something that you love doing and that I know you are good at

Keywords: About Me , Teaching

I became a teacher because I love to share my joy and love of history with people. I also became a teacher because I want to help others, especially children. I want them to know that they are loved and they are valued. I may not be able to save and reach every child, but I will try my hardest.
