As an adult, the things that I want to receive are hard to find

Keywords: december , christmas , christmaswish , gift , present

Some are expensive, while others are hard to wrap. I mean, how can someone possibly wrap a peace of mind. Where can you buy it? Or self-fulfillment, perhaps. How about a sense of purpose? What about clarity of mind or a clear headspace? I mean, is there a store selling any of those?

I want to think that if you feel like you are the best version of yourself, you will have more to give others and contribute to the world

Keywords: {0}

When we feel good about ourselves, we do better, kinder things for ourselves and for others, and we naturally let the good things in our lives grow. And this is the opposite of when we feel bad. We become more selfish and self absorbed, and mostly lack the energy to give to other people or to things or causes we care about.

Giving myself hope, forgiveness, love, attention and affection

Keywords: {0}

I’m living again, by realizing I have never not mattered. I have just been looking for approval from the world and everyone in it but myself. I needed love, I gave myself that love. I devote time for myself to do what ever I want to do, I don’t hold back on life experiences from ideas of what ifs and stigma. I do what I want and make time for what matters to me. I started living by doing small things and hobbies I have always enjoyed everyday! With positive intentions I am able to reach my goals I set for my days. Seriously acknowledging my own needs and realizing I was not filling my own cup the same way I am filling others- including family- I was feeling very low, tired and empty. I didn’t have interests or energy because I wasn’t receiving anything I was expecting back from the world for giving so much of myself but not too myself! Putting my needs as a priority had really changed my life and those around for the better. I am not only doing good things, I’m doing then happy and I’m doing these things for myself too. Expressing who I am, and what I need by being myself and I truly feel I’m getting into the groove of living, but not again though.. because I never stopped just lived and experienced a life lesson.

I want that same thing — reciprocation

Keywords: blacklove , couples , love , lovelanguage , reciprocation

While reciprocating in your relationship isn’t hard, it can be easy to overlook because one person may be heavy on the giving end while others are just used to receiving. Sometimes the giver may not know that they are the primary source of what they give out until lack is realized, and you now begin to see what is needed from your partner.

I want to ‘fill’ the story so that you will be satisfied when you hear it … and that sometimes makes me an untruthful person

Keywords: anxiety , fears , illness , life , love , mental illness , self help , self love , writing , medoingme , narrative , recharge , reset , rewrite

I will always tell the truth on this because I see it as my heart on paper and if I lie – even once – on this – then I’m ripping apart my own heart.

Studying astrology and the zodiac makes me feel like I’m part of something

Keywords: sleep , being alone , found , free writing , lonely , lost , my thoughts , sleep , sleep experiment

The number one way to not feel sorry for oneself is to give to another person. Giving to someone else is the best way to not be bored, and to get your head out of “me”. I sleep to gain a better insight into who I am and what I can do. I feel sorry for myself because I get bored. I get bored because I’m lonely. I’m lonely because I’m alone. I love to be alone… So it’s my own fault that I feel lonely.

I want to become a man of character

Keywords: poetry

I want to one day become refined and confident, so as to present my time & myself as a dowry for my wife and future family. I want to become a man of simple means. Not focused on the temporary, material things in life. Not someone trying to get the most out of life, but give the most into life. I want to be happy, really truly happy like I am now. Content in unknowing, joyous in light of the questions that plague men. I want to be free of fear. Free of the chains I have wrapped tightly around my fists that are tied to the things I think ought to keep me safe, things like money. I want to be in love for the rest of my life, not in love with any particular thing, or person, but with existence! In love with life & with love itself. Who do I want to be? I want to be who I am now: K. Mario

Who do you want to become – King Mario (