I wanted so desperately for my kids to be safe and happy, that I oftentimes didn’t allow them to fall and pick themselves back up

Keywords: motherhood , boundaries , children , family , kids , parenthood , raising children , respect

Expectations- we all have dreams for our kids but those dreams should never interfere with what our kids actually want. Encouragement is necessary and beneficial but expectation is toxic and dangerous. We should not be “living through” our kids, we should be sharing the experiences and life they choose. Expecting our kids to have a particular education, a certain job, earn a certain amount of money, be a particular sexual orientation or live a life you deem worthy is not unconditional love. Being embarrassed or ashamed of our kids if they are struggling in life, is more a reflection on our own lack than it is on our kids. I want to know my kids struggles so I can support them and we can work together for the healthiest outcome. My kids know there is nothing they cannot tell me, I will never judge them. If you can’t accept that your child will be their own person, suffer struggles and make mistakes or choose a lifestyle that makes them happy, rather then fitting into your mould- perhaps parenthood is not for you.


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