My view on what the future of work means to me leaves me in a weird state of absolutely not knowing what I want to do in the future

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This not knowing of what I want to do in the future has led me to make more goals within the jobs and companies which I hold compared to full career aspirations for example, moving from team member to team leader in my retail position. Currently I work at a call centre for a major drinks provider where I am involved in the complaints side customers when they have issues with our poducts, machines and deliveries however im already looking upward to moving into a sales representative position.

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I always wanted to study something related to fashion

Keywords: me , about me , my life , welcome

people always think that studying fashion is equal to becoming a designer, and in Brazil, you won’t get a salary that is good enough to survive there. I grew up believing that fashion was equal to being a designer, and I’m so bad at drawing, I couldn’t be a designer. When I started studying business, back in 2019, in my bad university, I realized for the first time something that is very obvious: a fashion brand is still a company.

My aim in life is to become a successful data analyst and entrepreneur in Mongolia

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I see myself in the next ten years I want to be someone’s role model in their life. Besides, I will organize a famous event in Mongolia in decades. This event is volunteerism. I will be representative of my company and other companies will participate in our event to help poor people and children. Finally, my dream is simple. One day my parents will proud of me. That’s my dream. But my parents might already be proud of me now. Parents always want to give their children the best they can and in return, they expect a little. Nevertheless, if my guardians criticize me that will be the hardest criticism for me.

That was my idea of independence: earning my own money so I don’t have to ask anyone for anything

Keywords: journal

But… I was wrong. I wasn’t independent. I was relying on the job, the company I was working for. Providing them my time, my energy, all that in order to get money and be the unrestrained woman I thought I was. Which is ridiculous. I rely on others to get in my purse what I trade with my sweat, my life resources.

I am a free woman – Emilie’s Moments of Wonder (