Being the show off that I am I wanted to prove I can do it

Keywords: {0}

As a single mother, providing for her family on her own, working 40+ hours a week and taking care of my house that I purchased last year, I wanted to show every other single parent out there that it is possible. I chose this blogging service because it was simple and had tons of tutorials along the way. I can’t wait to post more about myself throughout the semester and get to know my classmates as well!

Do not let others scare you out of something that you love doing and that I know you are good at

Keywords: About Me , Teaching

I became a teacher because I love to share my joy and love of history with people. I also became a teacher because I want to help others, especially children. I want them to know that they are loved and they are valued. I may not be able to save and reach every child, but I will try my hardest.

I am worthy of everything I want and desire

Keywords: australia , australianblogger , howtoloveyourself , lovingcompassion , mindhealth , minfulness , selflove , wellnessblogger , worthiness

Self worth is something we must work on while growing up in a world where society leads us to believe that we need all these things to be perfect. If you’re like me, you put a lot of pressure on yourself. For all types of things. This is my friendly reminder that I am perfect right here, doing everything that I am doing and creating.

Embracing the fact that it’s reallybloodyokay to have feelings and wants and needs and to be big and bold about them

Keywords: {0}

Maybe I need a safe space for that to happen. And by safe space, I probably mean a safe relationship. Before you start, I really don’t subscribe to the idea that it’s ‘pathetic’ to want a relationship – they’re what life is all about – so I will continue to aspire to being in a healthy, committed, loving relationship. And not to fix me necessarily, but to allow me that room and safety net to be more. To be me.