I want to know more, who or what is this?

Keywords: Society , Social Construct , Socirty

I feel like more people need to open up their heart to the fact and idea that, we are all different in how we do things, how we express ourselves and how we interact with the world and that all these differences don’t translate to people being bad or dangerous or inadequate or stupid, it just makes them different, and the sooner we embrace our differences, the sooner we can grow and move forward as a society.


I went from that to “Omg I miss having my huge thighs to oh I want a flat tummy because everyone’s saying it’s the in thing 🙄 to I need to hit that 160lbs squat tomorrow

Keywords: {0}

Yea it’s been a whole roller coaster of trial and error and I don’t say this much, I am extremely proud of myself. Part of my growth journey has entailed appreciating my wins whether big or small because I’m that perfectionist who is always thinking of what’s next. 🤔


I want to document the nuance of my autistic life

Keywords: {0}

My story is my life and a life cannot be summed up in words but I can and will do my best to introduce myself to you. Self introductions have always been difficult for me as I have always struggled with my sense of self. We pick the parts of ourselves that are most important for a stranger getting to know us.


Title-quote & image source: https://rosetintedtwenties.wordpress.com

It’s crazy to think [that people] put so much pressure on you to know what you want to do in life at a young age

Keywords: All Posts , My Journal , Rant , life , New blogger

I guess what I’m trying to say is that no matter how old you are it’s okay if you don’t know what you want to be in life. Just do something that makes you happy and something you want to do. I know that’s easier said than done but find the thing you’re passionate about and [it]’ll come to you one day.
