I suppose too often we are afraid to tell others what we want and what we need, because that reveals our vulnerability

Keywords: faith , lessons , personal growth , phd , reflection , 2022 , phd

I learned how to communicate what I want and what I need, and did not let my fear of rejection / failure conceal such vulnerability and honesty. This applies to both professional and personal relationships: from advocating for PhD stipend rise that had been stagnant for 6 years in my capacity as PhD co-representative with my friend Keel in front of PhD Committee and Dean of Finance as we presented our findings of the survey we conducted among PhD students (we got a 40% raise August 2022 onwards that we now live above Washington DC poverty line, wohoo!), negotiating my hourly wage and daily rate as a Teaching Assistant and Research Consultant respectively, to telling a guy I was dating that I needed to feel connected with him through consistent communication even just a good-night text per day as the bare minimum.


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