I suppose too often we are afraid to tell others what we want and what we need, because that reveals our vulnerability

Keywords: faith , lessons , personal growth , phd , reflection , 2022 , phd

I learned how to communicate what I want and what I need, and did not let my fear of rejection / failure conceal such vulnerability and honesty. This applies to both professional and personal relationships: from advocating for PhD stipend rise that had been stagnant for 6 years in my capacity as PhD co-representative with my friend Keel in front of PhD Committee and Dean of Finance as we presented our findings of the survey we conducted among PhD students (we got a 40% raise August 2022 onwards that we now live above Washington DC poverty line, wohoo!), negotiating my hourly wage and daily rate as a Teaching Assistant and Research Consultant respectively, to telling a guy I was dating that I needed to feel connected with him through consistent communication even just a good-night text per day as the bare minimum.


I want The Holub House to be a place where everyone is welcome on this journey as we create our forever home

Keywords: personal , construction , diy home , home design , owner builders

Whether you are interested in home design or not, at the end of the day, my intention for this space is to inspire you to seek out what makes you feel most alive and do more of that. Over the last few years, I have discovered when I am creating, I feel most aligned with who I’m meant to be in this world. In Oprah’s words, “there is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honor your calling. It’s why you were born.”


[Joining the Global Academy] was probably one of the best decisions I made because it allowed me to think more about what I want to work towards in the future

Keywords: {0}

In media I enjoy Content Production. Content is what is being presented to the audience, or what the movie is about on the surface. Form is how the movie is presented. For example, two very different films can share the same content, form being what makes them different from one another.


I want to leave behind stories my descendants tell about me

Keywords: dailyprompt , dailyprompt-1945

I often feel like I’m the black sheep of the family. But, I want my descendants to talk about how I didn’t give a fuck what anyone thought about me. How I spoke my mind even when my voice sometimes shook. How I lived my life the way I wanted to.


I want to look good for myself and feel better and be stronger, mentally and physically

Keywords: {0}

The weather was as chaotic as my life. Super hot, storms and rain. I renew my gym membership, I still need some time before starting to go consistantly again, but I am looking forward to exercise again. I like, working out, it always clears my head and makes me more energetic. Of course looking good is also a huge advantage. After all this traveling, I really need to pick up my peace and tone up my body and get a bit stronger. Even though I don’t have anyone to look good for, and I’m not even looking for anyone, I want to look good.


I have a lot I want to share, the good and the hard

Keywords: Nutrition , breastcancer , cancer , healing , health , inspiration , mindset

The kind of Breast Cancer I have is triple negative and I have a triple positive mindset. I look forward to sharing with you how I am healing, adventures, resources, etc. connect with others and see where this blog will go…maybe a book? Lol! I am not looking for sadness, but faith, strength and to inspire others. After all, making a difference in this world is my passion.


I want to write but every time I look at my computer I can’t bring myself to put words down, I want to be creative but I’m so exhausted from worrying about money I have nothing left to be creative with

Keywords: anxiety , book , creative writing , darkness , depression , finances , gofundme , happiness , help , hope , mental health , sadness , skills , synopsis , update , world , writing

Issues with my financials and my boyfriend combined into a mess of a headspace that for the last few weeks has left me really deflated.
