I stand before this blog holding the budding ideas I want to undertake, and with enough impostor syndrome and inertia that I don’t know how to cure

Keywords: Reflecting On Water , literary doubts , working week , Writing

Oftentimes I am paralysed by the ways in which we carry on, more often than not defeating, and writing around it becomes difficult for me. (Although I have a lot to say.) I’m feeling doubtful that literature will be able to do justice to the narrative of our humanity right now, both fractured and flawless, but there is nothing else I know how to do well with my time.


I’ve wanted to be a writer since I was young

Keywords: Personal , introduction

After years of working in university newspapers and literary magazines, I ended up learning how to write in an unexpected, cutthroat industry: advertising. It’s exhausting on a day-to-day basis, but when you’re surrounded by the right people, it can be really fun! And it’s always a thrill to see my ideas come to life, even if sometimes it feels like it takes forever.
