I’ll definitely revisit this later and do some editing and figure out how I want to structure my posts, because my perfectionist brain is screaming at me to have some sense of structure and plot to this project, but honestly right now I am just enjoying ranting to the void about whatever comes into my very overfilled-with-useless-information brain

Keywords: chaos , fuck adulting , personal , rant , scatterbrain

I’m now most likely going to go back to trawling linkedin for translation opportunities because apparently I am not a good person if I am not productive and contributing to capitalism in some way, shape or form. Fucking adulting. What a drag.


Help me gain more confidence in my work and when presenting my work to others

Keywords: inspiration , learning on the job

I would like to get to a place where I can take criticism without getting defensive and acknowledging that everyone has their own opinions. It is crucial within design to be able to grow from criticism, not every potential employer will like your work, not every client will understand your creative vision but that is ok. If I can work on honing my skills to the best of my ability, learning from criticism and creating work that I am proud of then I hope everything else will follow in time.


Tara, the woman with the motto to ‘wake up, rise up and conquer’ sat still the last 2 days and mulled over how overwhelmed she was and didn’t do an ounce of personal development

Keywords: {0}

Listen guys, life as we know it has changed. Take the pressure off if you’re unsure of what the next step is. Don’t feel pressured to go at the same pace as everyone else. Don’t skip over the basics. Don’t feel unproductive if you sit down and journal to get your thoughts in order. Don’t feel guilty if you don’t message your clients back for a day. There are no rules. YOU are the one that calls the shots on how you manage your time and when you complete a goal. It doesn’t need to get done in ONE DAY.
