[Joining the Global Academy] was probably one of the best decisions I made because it allowed me to think more about what I want to work towards in the future

Keywords: {0}

In media I enjoy Content Production. Content is what is being presented to the audience, or what the movie is about on the surface. Form is how the movie is presented. For example, two very different films can share the same content, form being what makes them different from one another.


Is this an audience I want to reach?

Keywords: preparation , public speaking , audience , hecklers , presentation skills , the three keys to great presentations , toronto star

What part of my expertise best suits their needs? Ignoring that vital part of preparation would be like subjecting a captive audience of strangers on a boat to a lecture on the Three Keys to Great Presentations. A few may care somewhat, but most would tune me out or, at best, resort to scratching their heads (at worst, tossing me overboard).


Help me gain more confidence in my work and when presenting my work to others

Keywords: inspiration , learning on the job

I would like to get to a place where I can take criticism without getting defensive and acknowledging that everyone has their own opinions. It is crucial within design to be able to grow from criticism, not every potential employer will like your work, not every client will understand your creative vision but that is ok. If I can work on honing my skills to the best of my ability, learning from criticism and creating work that I am proud of then I hope everything else will follow in time.


A presentation in English is a big challenge for me

Keywords: {0}

I want to improve a lot in both speaking and writing. I want to speak smoothly in my presentation and have a great writing skill in my paper. My vocabulary box is poor so I need to learn more besides classes, and also improve my grammar to avoid unnecessary mistakes. For my goal in fall semester, I want to write a paper with fully correct grammar and logical sentences. It may be hard but I will try my best.
