I suppose too often we are afraid to tell others what we want and what we need, because that reveals our vulnerability

Keywords: faith , lessons , personal growth , phd , reflection , 2022 , phd

I learned how to communicate what I want and what I need, and did not let my fear of rejection / failure conceal such vulnerability and honesty. This applies to both professional and personal relationships: from advocating for PhD stipend rise that had been stagnant for 6 years in my capacity as PhD co-representative with my friend Keel in front of PhD Committee and Dean of Finance as we presented our findings of the survey we conducted among PhD students (we got a 40% raise August 2022 onwards that we now live above Washington DC poverty line, wohoo!), negotiating my hourly wage and daily rate as a Teaching Assistant and Research Consultant respectively, to telling a guy I was dating that I needed to feel connected with him through consistent communication even just a good-night text per day as the bare minimum.


Years from now if I’m reading this again I want to realize that this phase of my life was difficult and I was unafraid to acknowledge how I felt

Keywords: untouched , definitionsofme , fears , mentalhealth

I realize if I’m only going to post the happy happy things then I’m only faking my thoughts right!? It’s humanly not possible to have only positive affirmations all the time.


What I wanted to do was read through tons of books and maintain a library maybe, work at a coffee house and paint something on the streets

Keywords: snippets , i am so tired lol , maybe , rants , snippet , who am i , writer

It’s scary, not knowing what you want. And it’s scarier, knowing what you want but having no courage to go after it even when you are living the regret every day. I wonder who was she… I wonder where did she go.. I admire her.. I miss her, even when what I have now, what I am now might have been everything she would’ve ever wanted. But she had something that’s long dead in me – the courage to dream.


I feel like I am ready to try something a little bit out of my comfort zone – sharing some of my writing

Keywords: {0}

I have suffered with anxiety my whole life, for most of this time I wasn’t aware what was happening was actually anxiety. I just thought it was me, I’ve always been a worrier, there are definitely periods in my life where it has been a lot worse than other times and I am starting to be able to decipher which is which. I am learning that the more I allow myself to just be, to chase my own dreams and to allow the universe to guide me, the less anxiety I carry. Once I start putting myself under the pressure of what society expects of me, I move out of alignment. And each time I think of something I’d like to do, I tell myself there’s no way I could do it (including starting this blog). While I will be spending a lot of time telling you all to trust your gut, that process is always on going and each scary step that succeeds takes me one step further from that self limitation. Nothing happens overnight, but with a little bit of faith in the jump, a lot of wonderful things can happen.
