I suppose too often we are afraid to tell others what we want and what we need, because that reveals our vulnerability

Keywords: faith , lessons , personal growth , phd , reflection , 2022 , phd

I learned how to communicate what I want and what I need, and did not let my fear of rejection / failure conceal such vulnerability and honesty. This applies to both professional and personal relationships: from advocating for PhD stipend rise that had been stagnant for 6 years in my capacity as PhD co-representative with my friend Keel in front of PhD Committee and Dean of Finance as we presented our findings of the survey we conducted among PhD students (we got a 40% raise August 2022 onwards that we now live above Washington DC poverty line, wohoo!), negotiating my hourly wage and daily rate as a Teaching Assistant and Research Consultant respectively, to telling a guy I was dating that I needed to feel connected with him through consistent communication even just a good-night text per day as the bare minimum.


Each day I feel my scope continue to widen

Keywords: {0}

Since being home from my mission (for nearly a year and a half now) I have cried over multiple men and many broken dreams, and I tried so hard to force them together and cling to them. I’ve at last reached a point where my heart is tired, and my walls are sturdy and high. I’ve realized that in order to have a dream succeed, it needs to be something you have total control over, something that you can achieve on your own — I cannot continue to lean on somebody else to get me where I’m headed. And now I finally know where I want to go.


I want to be successful and I do not know which path to really take

Keywords: Life , Uncertainty In The 20s

I have failed yet I am so young to many people. Someone said remove the age limit in your dreams and goals and get them done no matter how long it takes. This was a good thing to say but that doesn’t mean that the age won’t cross my mind and I will feel like a failure. The pressure sometimes comes from seeing younger people than me do so much and succeed yet I’m still here.


I would rather spend my time writing out loud, visibly, rather than letting my thoughts sit in the dark

Keywords: {0}

Running away from responsibilities and fail to acknowledge short comings are the worst. I would rather live with humiliation than guilt. Guilt is worst, because guilt is internal. You can get over humiliation because you might know deep inside you that you are clean. But guilt is just that you failed yourself to take action in the face of discomfort.
