Everywhere Plans for Everybody

That’s the quintessential motto of each and every pandemic: Everywhere Plans for Everybody

It’s not normal — not new normal, not old normal, not at all … it’s more God-like.

Normal is: Somewhere Plans for Somebody.

In case you’re unaware of this bit of cultural history: It was none other than the Beatles who sang about Nowhere Man … namely, that he had Nowhere Plans for Nobody.

I think many people treat me (and / or my thoughts) that way regarding my thinking about information , information retrieval, natural language processing, etc. They consider my ideas to be irrelevant to today’s “real world” — #IRL.

I wrote about this yesterday — see: “We saw with the pandemic that some organizations that struggled with change, and others that changed quickly” (the title is a quote taken from a recent interview with Charlene Li).

At the end of the post, I speculate about the divergence between my own views and the mainstream views of the masses in the markets. I think perhaps each of these extremes views the other view as “Nowhere Man” views (interesting aside: the Beatles actually sang that Nowhere Man “doesn’t have a point of view”, and also speculated whether “isn’t he a bit like you and me?”).

So where is this “real world”? Are the markets always right? If so, then how can it be that the markets still have not solved the problem sometimes referred to as the “pandemic”?

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